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Sports Coaching Review

About Sports Coaching Review (SCR)

Sports Coaching Review is CRiC’s official affiliated journal and is the leading critical publication for the international community of sports coaching scholars, students, and practitioners. A principal objective of the journal is to publish interrogative articles which engender debate on issues related to sports coaching theory and practice. In being accessible to the broad community of sports coaching scholars, SCR is central to the development of a critical body of knowledge for the discipline and profession of sports coaching.

Editor-in-Chief of SCR is Professor Robyn Jones (Cardiff Metropolitan University, Wales).

  • For further information about the journal, the aim and scope, editorial board members, or to submit an article, please follow the link below:

Expressions of Interest – Critical Research Extracts

We invite expressions of interest in submitting to a potential Special Issue in Sports Coaching Review (SCR) dedicated to critical short-form research extracts. Expressions of interest must fall within the wider aims and scope of SCR and seek to advance a critical body of knowledge for the emerging discipline and profession of sports coaching. This Special Issue welcomes all authors but is primarily intended for post-graduate researchers and early-career researchers.


Expressions of interest should include i) a succinct working title, ii) author names and institution affiliations, and iii) an abstract of no more than 150 words.

The abstract should concisely communicate a) the type of manuscript it will be (see examples below), and b) a summary of the contributions your short-form manuscript will seek to make. The final submissions should be circa 3-4,000 words.


While not exhaustive, the types of manuscripts postgraduate and early career researchers may wish to consider include, but are not limited to:

Short reports: These manuscripts communicate brief but still critical reports of empirical data from original research that will be interesting to researchers and the readership of SCR, and that will likely stimulate further research in the field Only a brief justification and overview of methods need be provided.

Methodologies: These manuscripts will present a new method, procedure, or approach for the SCR readership. The manuscript may outline and justify something completely new, something utilised in other fields but not yet in the critical coaching space, or it may justify enhancements to an existing method/s. The manuscript should communicate a demonstrable advance on what is currently done and/or how it is done.

Critical commentaries: These manuscripts will develop concise comments on topical issues of interest (related to the aims and scope of SCR), anecdotal material, or readers’ reactions to material already published in the journal. This could include, for example, critical reflections on efforts to inform practice based upon existing research/theory etc., or critical, unrealised or unrecognised implications for practice in existing work.  

New horizons: These manuscripts will develop a research agenda to enrich our understanding of particular dimensions perhaps poorly understood or absent from existing literature (related to the critical aims and scope of SCR). Beyond the methodologies format, the focus here might be on new theoretical or conceptual avenues for sports coaching to stimulate future research directions.


Deadline for expressions of interest to and is: Thursday 22nd December.