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One Day Symposium

Date: 12 June 2023
Location: Student Life Building, Liverpool John Moores University

With generous support from Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, the Cluster for Research in Sport Coaching (CRiC) met for a coaching research symposium on Monday 12 June.

This welcoming event provided an excellent opportunity to:

  1. Connect with researchers using qualitative, quantitative and/or mixed methodologies, in addition to discussions of conceptual issues related to sport coaching
  2. Share and hear sport coaching research that is theoretically informed, critical and accessible
  3. Celebrate research that has engendered debate on issues related to sport coaching

    The symposium took place at LJMU's Student Life Building, Copperas Hill, Liverpool. The event was a collegial opportunity for researchers at all stages of their career. To facilitate this, the programme included:
  • A distinguished coaching scholar lecture from a keynote speaker
  • 5 parallel sessions featuring 15 established speakers
  • 15 early career/doctoral/PG researcher presentations
  • ECR/PhD/PG networking breakfast
  • Panel debates with invited academics and practitioners
  • Sport Coaching Review researcher recognition awards

    This collegial programme enabled delegates at different career stages to connect and start respectful academic conversations that continued in the days and weeks that followed the event.

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