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6th International Coaching Conference at Northumbria University

Join us at the 6th International Coaching Conference 14th-16th June 2024 at Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK. 

Conference overview

#CRiC2024 will gather the world’s leading academics, policy makers and practitioners as we explore the conference’s driving theme: “imaginative intersections between critical coaching scholarship and practice.”

#CRiC2024 will provide an important platform to not only further our understanding of sports coaching, but also to shape and inform the future doing of the activity, through imaginative approaches to engaging in research and with the development of coaching practitioners.

  • 3 days of activities across a packed conference programme.
  • Keynotes from leading scholars including Professor Lars Tore Ronglan, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences and Dr. Anna Stodter, Leeds Beckett University.
  • Up to 45 oral presentations of cutting-edge research from scholars based around the globe.
  • Symposia including the Coaching History Special Interest Group and a panel discussion focussed on funded/partnership research.
  • Poster presentations, infographics, trade fair and networking opportunities.
  • A special presentation from editorial board members at Sports Coaching Review that will demystify the publication process.
  • An post-graduate/early-career researcher forum.
  • CRiC Annual General Meeting.
  • Discounted hotel rates at a range of accessible venues across the city (with prices starting from £65.15 per room per night including breakfast).
  • A range of leisure and social opportunities.
  • Move-and-meet networking activities.
  • Drinks reception on Friday evening.
  • Lunch provided on Saturday and Sunday.
  • Optional Gala Dinner with 3-course banqueting menu to choose from at the renowned Biscuit Factory, the UK’s largest independent gallery for contemporary culture, with special guests (including GB Basketball men’s and Newcastle Eagles men’s Head Coach Marc Steutel).